Monday, June 11, 2012

This is the start of a new painting.  It's tiny...  Only 5" x 7".  My smallest one yet!   


  1. Is it more difficult to paint one so small?? I'll be watching!!

  2. I'd say the difficulty is about the same! Although I do wish there was a better selection of really small brushes of the bristle type (as opposed to the softer sable variety).

  3. Oh, the funny thing is that I have the actual still life set up on a table, next to me. Bruce jumped up onto the table, and tried to eat the slice of bread! I had to shoo him away. :)

  4. I am so happy that Bruce came into your life the way he did!What a blessing!

  5. Very true! At least, until he walks across my paint palette, which he almost did this morning! Ha ha.
