Monday, November 26, 2012

Here's an update on this one!


  1. This is a really "timely" painting for this time of the year. :) Is that a gourd on the left? Is this harder to paint with all of those sections?

  2. Yup, that's a small pumpkin. :) It's kind of tricky to paint, but not quite as tough as I thought! Halloween and Thanksgiving are gone, but I figure anytime is a good time to paint a pumpkin. :)

    I just joined an artist's group on Facebook, hosted by Skye Taylor, whose videos I've enjoyed watching in the past. Should be fun! People post their artwork online, and others review and comment.

  3. Is this group you joined similar to the other ones you were in at one time? Going to Candlelight Ceremony in 10 minutes or so.

  4. This group is pretty different, being a page on Facebook. But it's still quite interesting! I've been commenting on other people's work.

    Hope the ceremony is going well! :) Maybe this time, no one will have to get kicked out.... :)

  5. Can anyone go on this Facebook page? The ceremony was really good tonight, not too many people and as always, I mentioned Clementine's name! :)

  6. Goodnight Mikey and Bruce! :)
